Unlicensed Philosophy with Chuong Nguyen
Unlicensed Philosophy with Chuong Nguyen
Episode 97 - Interview with William Deresiewicz (Essayist, Author - The End of Solitude)

Episode 97 - Interview with William Deresiewicz (Essayist, Author - The End of Solitude)

About Bill Deresiewicz: https://billderesiewicz.com/

Check out Bill’s latest book, The End of Solitude: https://www.amazon.com/End-Solitude-Selected-Culture-Society-ebook/dp/B09NK99NGG/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2EXGAMSKD0Q3U&keywords=william+deresiewicz&qid=1669800884&sprefix=william+der%2Caps%2C371&sr=8-3

Unlicensed Philosophy with Chuong Nguyen
Unlicensed Philosophy with Chuong Nguyen
A show where I engage in thoughtful discourse with interesting musicians and thinkers